2021 Annual Conference
The agenda for the 2021 Annual Conference is available.
March 25: Speakers
The One Water Approach: Strategies for Collaboration

Scott Berry is the director of policy and government affairs for the US Water Alliance, a national organization advancing policies and programs that build a sustainable water future for all. He is based in Washington, DC.
Previously, he served as director of the utility infrastructure division, environment, and trade at the Associated General Contractors of America. There, Berry spent nine years as their head lobbyist on water infrastructure and water policy issues and member services lead for water, sewer, power, telecommunications, and underground construction.
He has served in various other professional roles, including with the Water Infrastructure Network, the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Coalition, the Common Ground Alliance, and the Waters Advocacy Coalition.

Dr. Jamie DeWitt
East Carolina University
From Pollutants to People: How Studying PFAS has Given My Laboratory Research Deeper Meaning

Dr. Austin Gray
Virginia Tech University (Starting Fall 2021)
The Presence and Impacts of Antibiotics in Rural and Urban North Carolina Streams

Dr. Rachel Noble
University North Carolina Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Science
Using Molecular Tools for Decision-Making Related to Coastal Stormwater and Wastewater Infrastructure

Dr. Michael Paul
Tetra Tech
A Future for Bioassessment: Unlocking the Potential of Biological Data
March 26: Speakers
Community Engagement: Making it better than you found it!

In November 2019, Veronica Carter was elected and is currently serving as a Council member for the Town of Leland, North Carolina. She is a former civil servant (international and US) and retired Army officer with over 38 years’ experience in managing complex logistics operations, often under austere conditions. She has successfully led diverse supply chain and logistics (transportation, supply, maintenance, ammunition, and field services) operations in military, government, and international organizations on four continents.
She has served as the director of administration and logistics for Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point in North Carolina. With the United Nations Headquarters, Carter served in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as a logistics officer supporting existing or new peacekeeping missions in Sierra Leone, Burundi, Liberia, Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) and Congo (Zaire).
She served on the NC Coastal Resources Commission from 2008 through 2012. She also has served on the boards for Cape Fear and Brunswick County’s Habitat for Humanity affiliates; and on Leland’s Parks and Recreation Board.
Carter has devoted much of her time to ensuring Environmental Justice by empowering, advocating, and educating EJ communities in southeastern NC. She currently serves on the North Carolina Coastal Federation Board of Directors, the Duke Superfund Advisory Board and the NC Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Board.
Also, Carter was instrumental in starting the Brunswick County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), the County’s Long-Term Recovery Group. Nonprofits and faith-based organizations now work with the County and municipalities to help Brunswick County residents trying to recover from storms. A native of Brooklyn New York, Carter received her bachelor’s degree in political science from Fordham University and her master’s of public administration degree from Troy State University. She also is a graduate of the US Army’s Command and General Staff College.

Evan Kane
Groundwater Manager Wake County Department of Environmental Services
Engaging Community in Well Water Improvement: A Local Government Perspective

Amin Davis
Partners for Environmental Justice
Green Makes $en$e: Negotiating Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Community Benefits

Dr. Bethany Cutts
North Carolina State University
Partnering With Communities on Research: An Example in Robeson County

Tatiana Height
North Carolina State University and Partners for Environmental Justice
Reflections on Navigating Natural Resource Engagement in Government, University, and Non-profit Sectors
2021 Awards

Be part of the excitement in 2021 as we recognize outstanding students and professionals. After each Student Lightning Talk Showcase, selected members of our audience will help choose a winner. That student will receive a $100 gift card for their hard work!On March 26, Bradley Whitman will announce the winners of the NC Source Water Protection Award for 2020 and 2021.
Networking Event for Students and Water Resource Professionals
Students and young professionals took advantage of a special session providing interaction with experienced professionals, who provided insight into career choices and pathways on March 25. View a list of panelists and current career opportunities at their respective organizations.