About the Network
North Carolina has more than 1,700 watersheds of varying sizes and hundreds of organizations, agencies and individuals dedicated to protecting those watersheds. We believe watershed protection and restoration efforts can benefit (and will multiply!) if watershed professionals and volunteers on the ground have meaningful opportunities to effectively communicate, collaborate or share data.
Our Goals
We’re motivated to come together to make a difference in North Carolina’s waters and the people who rely on and interact with them.
More people lead and work on watershed projects. People begin and sustain local watershed efforts in all areas across NC, including those areas that have not experienced watershed management due to lack of resources. Watershed efforts are sustained with various funds and resources. Stewards collaborate broadly for greater success. People make decisions that protect water resources while improving community health and economic development.
Who We Are
The NC Watershed Stewardship Network is a collaborative partnership. Its strength comes from its members and the valuable knowledge and experiences they bring to the network.
NCWSN Documents
Our stuff, your stuff. These are the documents that define us, like our strategic plan. See what a logic model looks like!
View Documents
- An Assessment of Capacity and Resource Needs of NC Watershed Programs
- Working toward a Collaborative Statewide Watershed Program May 2013 workshop summary
- NCWSN Strategic Plan (April 2015): To print, use both letter and legal sized paper
- NCWSN Logic Model (April 2015): Print on legal sized paper
- NCWSN Steering Committee Charter (April 2015)