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McGalliard Falls and mill in Valdese, NC in early spring

2022 Annual Conference


March 23

A * indicates the researcher’s presentation will not be included in the session recording.


Michelle Covi

Concurrent Session 1

Hunter Quintal, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Staggered Hazards: Outdated Floodplain Maps Underestimate Extreme Flooding Under Future
Climate and Land Use Land Cover Change

Madan Maharjan, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Influence of Big Storms on the Black Creek Aquifer, Robeson County

J. Curtis Weaver, United States Geological Survey, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Rural Streams in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia,  2017-2019

Anthony Gotvald, U.S. Geological Survey, Statistical Analysis of Trends in Annual Peak Streamflows in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

Lise Montefiore, North Carolina State University, Reconstructing the Historical Growth of the Swine Industry in North Carolina

* Mike Mallin, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Industrial-Scale Livestock Production Drives Long-Term Stream Nutrient Increases on the North  Carolina Coastal Plain

* Alex Manda, East Carolina University, Soil Salinization in Low-Lying Agricultural Fields of Eastern North Carolina: An Update on Research

Mahmoud Shehata, NC State University, Monitoring Spatial Variability of Soil Thermal Properties and Moisture Content Using Novel Fiber-Optic Distributed  Temperature Sensing Techniques

Michael O’Driscoll, East Carolina University, Bringing Light and Life Back to a Buried Urban Stream in the North Carolina Coastal Plain

Kristen Navaroli, WSP USA, Pilot Facility-Level Climate Change Adaptation Assessment for Little Indian Creek

Gregory Melia, NC Department of Environmental Quality, Factors Determining Thresholds of Reliable Change Detection in Water Quality Resulting from Stream Restoration: A Question of Signal to Noise

Danielle Mir, NC Department of Environmental Quality, Are Water Quality Changes Detectable Post Stream Restoration?

Concurrent Session 2

Sara Kamanmalek, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Geospatial Analysis of Antibiotic Pollution Across North Carolina to Inform a Targeted Field Study

Ryan Paerl, NC State University, Probing Cyanobacteria in Multiple NC Freshwater Systems for Production of Cyanotoxins and Taste and Odor Compounds Using Metagenomes

* Guy Iverson, East Carolina University, Monitoring the Presence of SARS-CoV-2 Using Wastewater-Based Epidemiology in Student Dormitories at East Carolina University

Kimia Karimi, NC State University, Assessing the Efficacy of BMPs on Controlling Nutrient Loading through Bayesian Watershed Modeling

Sarah Praskievicz, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Fog Interception in Spruce-Fir Forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

* Charles Stillwell, U.S. Geological Survey, Monitoring Water-Quality in the French Broad River During Highway Construction

Michael Burchell, NC State University, The Importance of Ammonium Pre-treatment and Maintenance to Maximize Nitrogen Removal in Wastewater Wetlands

Charles Humphrey, East Carolina University, Long-Term (7 Years) Evaluation of a Permeable Reactive Barrier to Reduce Groundwater Transport of Nitrate from an Onsite Wastewater System

Holly Miller, Tetra Tech, Town of Nags Head Decentralized Wastewater Management Plan Update – Data Analysis of Surface Water Quality, Bacteria, Groundwater Elevations, and Subsurface Water Quality in Relation to Coastal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Future Conditions, and Community Resiliency

Concurrent Session 3

Roger von Haefen, NC State University, Estimating the Benefits of Stream Water Quality Improvements in Urbanizing Watersheds: An Ecological Production Function Approach

Andrew P. Hutchens, NC State University, Power Plant Drought Response and the Role of Markets

Sara Sutherland, Duke University, The Economic Value of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation

Judson Griffin, NC State University, Water Affordability in North Carolina

* Diane Lauritsen, LIMNOSCIENCES, Recognizing the Significance of N.C.’s Bay Lakes

Michael O’Driscoll, East Carolina University, Lake Hydrology and Watersheds – Surface Water and Groundwater

* Diane Lauritsen, LIMNOSCIENCES, Airsheds – Atmospheric Changes in pH and Nutrients

Nathan Hall, UNC Institute of Marine Science, Lake Nutrient Changes

* Diane Lauritsen, LIMNOSCIENCES, Algal Productivity – Benthic vs. Water-Column And Sediment Phosphorus Comparisons Between White Lake and Lake Waccamaw

Robert Richardson, NC State University, Hydrilla in Lake Waccamaw and White Lake

Linda Ehrlich, Spirogyra Diversified Environmental Services, Cyanobacterial and Algal Blooms in White Lake

* Diane Lauritsen, LIMNOSCIENCES, Risks of High pH in White Lake

Amin Davis, Partners for Environmental Justice Board, Partners for Environmental Justice: A Watershed Movement Begins Here

Kofi Boone, NC State University College of Design, Race and Elevation’s Role in Unjust Flooding Impacts

Christy Perrin, NC WRRI and North Carolina Sea Grant, An Academic Community Responds to PEJ’s Call for Action

Cam McNutt, NC Division of Water Resources, Scaling Up with the Walnut Creek Watershed Action Plan and Team

Amy Farinelli, City of Raleigh Stormwater, Municipal Support of a Watershed Partnership

Carmera Thomas, The Conservation Fund, and Corey Dodd, Design Workshop, Parks with Purpose: Equitable Park Development for People and Nature

Concurrent Session 4

Forrest Westall, McGill Associates and Upper Neuse River Basin Association, Re-Examination of Stage II of the Falls Lake Nutrient
Management Strategy

Steve Wall, NC Policy Collaboratory, Role of the NC Collaboratory in the Study of Nutrient Management in North Carolina

Mike Piehler, UNC Institute for the Environment, Summary of NC Collaboratory Research Studies on Falls Lake, North Carolina

Alix Matos, Brown and Caldwell, Status of UNRBA Modeling Efforts and Next Steps in the Re-Examination Process

Michelle Raquet, NC DEQ, DWR, An Overview of Basinwide Water Resources Management Plans (Basin Plans)

Craig Caldwell, NC DEQ, DWR, An Overview of North Carolina Groundwater Resource Planning

Harold Brady, NC DEQ, DWR, IBT 101: What Are Interbasin Transfers?

Klaus Albertin, NC DEQ, DWR, Water Supply Planning: Current and Future Water Demands

Layla El-Khoury, NC State University, Geospatial and Field-Based Methods for Predicting and Quantifying Stream Bank Erosion

* Laura Gurley and Charles Stillwell, U.S. Geological Survey, Identification of Streambank Erosion Hotspots Using Desktop Analysis in Raleigh, North Carolina

* Celso Castro-Bolinaga, NC State University, Improving Predictive Modeling of Streambank Erosion Across the Piedmont

* Kristina Hopkins, U.S. Geological Survey, Stories of Channel Change Told Through Cross Sections

Lightning Talks 1

Hayden Rudd, NC State University, Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Evaluate the Impact of Extreme Floods on North Carolina Coastal Plain Groundwater Vulnerability

Mahesh Tapas, East Carolina University, Hydrological Modeling to Forecast Changes in Eastern North Carolina: Implications for Agriculture, Climate Change, and Fisheries

Destini Petitt, UNC-Charlotte, Effect of Stream Restoration on Baseflow Suspended Solids Dynamics in an Urban Forest Stream

Amanda Johnson, Carolina Wetlands Association, The Importance of Small Wetlands in North Carolina

Jingyi Qi, UNC-Charlotte, Community-Oriented Diffusion Strategy for Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Deja Drummond, East Carolina University, The Potential for Recycled and Manufactured Adsorptive Materials to Reduce Phosphorous Wastewater Loads

Christyn Fertenbaugh, Division of Water Infrastructure, ARPA Viable Utility Reserve Funding through DWI

Matthew Rushing, Division of Water Infrastructure, ARPA “At-Risk” Funding through DWI

Kavitha Ambikadevi, Division of Water Infrastructure, ARPA “Standard” Funding through DWI

Logan Kluttz, Division of Water Infrastructure, ARPA Stormwater Funding through DWI

March 24

A * indicates the researcher’s presentation will not be included in the session recording.

Concurrent Session 5

Bryan Patterson, Johnson C. Smith University, Empowering Citizens with a Voice and Role in Municipal Stormwater: “Our Voice Our Water”

Grace Messinger, Piedmont Triad Regional Council, Jordan Lake One Water (JLOW: A One Water Vision for the Jordan Lake Watershed)

Andrew George, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Disparities and Drinking Water Contamination in North Carolina Private Wells

Lauren Daniel and Rebecca Coppa, NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources, Incorporating Data into Education and Outreach

Daniel Wiltsie, NC Department of Environmental Quality, NC DWR Algal Bloom Reporting App and Dashboard: What They Are and How You Can Use Them

Jaclyn Best, East Carolina University, Engaging with Stakeholders to Determine Ecological Flow Guidelines in Eastern North Carolina

Leah Weaver, NC State University, Fungal Bioremediation of Stormwater: Suspended and Attached Growth Systems for Imidacloprid Removal

Robert Sowah, Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services, Real-Time Prediction of Fecal Pollution in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Surface Waters Using Machine Learning Models

Joseph Famularo, NCDENR, Dilution Gauging: An Alternative Method of Stream Discharge Measurement

Hunter Freeman, McAdams, Embedding Green Infrastructure into New Development

J. Curtis Weaver, US Geological Survey, Application of the North Carolina Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) to Assess Potential
Impacts of Highway Runoff

Matt Butler, RES, and Zoe Chavis, NC State University, Stormwater Retrofits for Nutrient and Buffer Crediting

Thomas Vogel, East Carolina University, Assessing Groundwater Nitrate Sources in a Rural North Carolina Watershed: A Spatial Modeling Approach

Natalie Chazal, NC State University, Analyzing Long Term Estuarine Water Quality Trends Using NC Shellfish Sanitation Monitoring Observations

Nathan Hall, UNC-Chapel Hill, Development of Water Quality Thresholds for Protection of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System

* Amy Grogan, UNC-Wilmington, Who’s Blooming in Coastal North Carolina?

Astrid Schnetzer, NC State University, Examining Cyanotoxin Food Web Contamination in the Western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina

Randall Etheridge, East Carolina University, Evaluating Student Designs to Promote Resilience and Sustainability in a Coastal North Carolina Watershed

Concurrent Session 6

Susanne Brander, Oregon State University, An Introduction to Plastics

Susanne Brander, Oregon State University, The Biological Impacts of Micro and Nanoplastics, Effects on Growth and Swimming Behavior Across Polymer Type, Shape, and Size, and Their Implications

* Jack Kurki-Fox, NC State University, Characterizing Microplastic Pollution in the Neuse River Basin

* Bonnie Monteleone, UNC Wilmington, A Comparison of Anthropogenic Particles Found in North Carolina Watersheds to the U.S. Plastics Pacts’s List of Problematic Materials

Gloria Putnam, North Carolina Sea Grant, Moderated Q&A

This panel discussion covers a range of related topics, including broadening the discussion on environmental justice using mapping tools, ways to look at financial information for drinking water and wastewater systems, and the ways that system boundary data collected via permitting and funding processes can be utilized.

Christyn Fertenbaugh, NC Department of Environmental Quality

Klaus Albertin, NC Department of Environmental Quality

Renee Kramer, NC Department of Environmental Quality

Julia Cavalier, Environmental Finance Center


* Alexandra Blanke

Dewayne Holley

Kirsten Cash

* Lucas Belangia

* Madelyn Milazzo

Margaret Haney

* Melissa Schug

Olivia Gregg

Cara Franceschini

* Edward Adams

Emily Oven

* Grant Smith

* Kayla A. Stukes

Mathilda Pflaeging


Concurrent Session 7

Yazeed Algurainy, NC State University, Improving Desalination in the Electrochemical Technology Capacitive Deionization Using Asymmetric Electrode Mass Ratios

Seraphim Falterman, NC State University, Thermal Hydrolysis and Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Biosolids and Grease Interceptor Waste: Approaches for Higher Methane Production?

Dale Cobler, Two Rivers Utilities/City of Gastonia, Tools for Drinking Water Reuse and Treatment: Aluminum Sulfate Coagulation Optimization for Ultrafiltration Membrane Pre-Treatment Using Raw Surface Water Blended with Ultrafiltration Permeate

Robert Christian, East Carolina (Emeritus), Transdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Low Flows and Their Consequences in a Coastal Plain River

Nicole Barclay, UNC-Charlotte, Development of Data-Driven Analytics Tools to Support Prioritized Management of Stormwater Infrastructure

Sheila Saia, State Climate Office of North Carolina, A Brief Introduction to the North Carolina ECONet

Renee Fortner, RiverLink, Connecting the Drops: Collaborative Restoration of the Central Asheville Watershed

Keith McDade and Allison Royer, Lenoir Rhyne University, Community Perceptions of Implementing Stormwater Management Practices on Private Property in the Central Asheville Watershed

Tim Ormond, Blue Earth Planning, Engineering, and Design, A Steep Learning Curve: Innovative, Low-Cost Stormwater Practices for the Mountain Region and Beyond

Concurrent Session 8

Barbara Doll, North Carolina Sea Grant and NC State University, Evaluation of Natural Infrastructure for Flood Mitigation

* Jack Kurki-Fox, NC State University, The Flood Reduction and Water Quality Impacts of Watershed-Scale Natural Infrastructure Implementation in North Carolina

Tibor Vegh, Duke University, Agriculture Land Leasing and Acquisition for NaturalInfrastructure Implementation to Mitigate Flooding in the Middle Neuse River Watershed

Will McDow, Environmental Defense Fund, A Flood of New Funding – Recent and Future Opportunities for Flood Mitigation Efforts

* Hezhou Ding, NC State University, Exploring Strategies to Promote Volatile Fatty Acid Accumulation During Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste

Jonaé Wood, NC A&T State University, Co-treatment of Food Processing Wastewater with Municipal Treated Wastewater

Emma Guertin, NC State University, Developing High Yield and Resilient Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Alternative Wastes

Open Q&A

Jake McLean, Wildlands Engineering, Urban Stream and Wetland Restoration: Southside Community Project

Mary Roderick, Land of Sky Council of Governments, Haith Branch Watershed: Haith Branch Watershed: Restoring a Gem – Greening America’s Communities Program

Panel Discussion: Coalitions for Implementation: Building Community Trust, Moderator: Marshall Taylor, Blue Earth Planning, Engineering, and Design

2022 Awards

Join us in recognizing outstanding students and professionals! Congratulations to the student poster presentation winners, chosen by selected members of our audience:

  • 1st Place: Emily Pierce, NC State University
  • 2nd Place: Adeola Sorinolu, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • 3rd Place: Caroline Zuber, NC State University
  • Honorable Mention: Lauren Grimley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Honorable Mention: Alexis Kussman, East Carolina University

These students received a $100 gift card for their hard work, sponsored by the North Carolina Water Resources Association (NCWRA).

Also, on March 24, Bradley Whitman of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality announced the winners of the NC Source Water Protection Award for 2022. Congratulations to Haywood Waterways Association, Inc. & Town of Black Creek.