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Using the Listservs

There are three subscription options when you join any of the NC State listservs:

  1. Receive each email as it is posted to the listserv.
  2. Receive a daily digest of emails, with summaries of messages combined into a single email.
  3. Receive an abridged email of complete messages combined into a single daily email.
  • Most lists are moderated and your post will not appear until it has been reviewed for appropriateness and approved by the moderator.
  • Delivery may be delayed at the moderator’s discretion, depending on the number of posts to the list on a certain day.
  • No attachments are allowed to be sent through the listserv, so messages should contain all information in the body of the email.
  • Original senders might not receive a copy of the final outgoing message.

First, please make sure you are a subscriber of the list (WRRI staff are happy to confirm or add you to a list if needed). If you have an announcement or message that you would like to share with a listserv, please send it directly to that listserv address – for example, Format the email (including the subject line) just as you would like the target audience to view it. Posting messages in this fashion (rather than having WRRI forwarding messages to the list on your behalf) allows the message to appear directly from you and allows listserv members to respond directly to you.


Join the WRRI-News listserv and stay up to date with emails with announcements of workshops, conferences, calls for abstracts, positions available, research findings, calls for public comment and a variety of other water-related announcements. Email Anna A. Martin to be added to this listserv.

Water Research

If you are interested in receiving notification about research opportunities, Email Anna A. Martin and request to be added to the water research listserv. Note that in order to be added to this listserv, you must be a faculty member associated with a NC college or university, or staff at a college or university who works in Sponsored Programs, Contracts and Grants, or a similar department.


WRRI regularly hosts erosion- and sedimentation-control education events. This low-traffic listserv is used to advertise erosion and sediment control training opportunities and share other erosion and sediment control information. Email Anna A. Martin to be added to this listserv.