EPA Funds Innovative School Effort in Black Creek Watershed

WRRI, on behalf of the Black Creek Watershed Association, has been awarded $143,000 in US EPA section 319 funds for continuing the restoration of Black Creek watershed in Cary, NC. The centerpiece of the grant is an innovative green infrastructure effort at Kingswood Magnet Elementary School. WRRI and partners Natural Learning Initiative of NCSU College of Design, NCSU Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, the Center for Human and Earth Restoration, Wake County Public Schools, and Town of Cary will engage the school community in designing and installing green infrastructure that meets multiple goals of reducing erosion from stormwater runoff, improving Black Creek, and providing outdoor play and learning opportunities for students. The grant also funds a residential “rainscaping” program to identify and install landscaping projects that use rain water on-site; an effort to identify stormwater reduction opportunities in conjunction with the Town of Cary’s redesign to update the Black Creek Greenway; and an assessment of the benthic macro-invertebrates that serve as indicators of creek health. The Black Creek Watershed Association is an informal partnership of citizens, neighborhoods, state and local government organizations working together to improve Black Creek since 2006. Black Creek drains to Crabtree Creek, and ultimately into the Neuse River.
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