Dec 9, 2019
New Water Management Policies Influence Toxic Mercury Production in St. Lawrence River Wetlands By Maya Hoon Mercury pollution is an emerging threat for St. Lawrence River ecosystems reaching from the Great Lakes region, of the U.S. and Canada, to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the QuĂ©bec province of Canada. As this mercury is transformed…
Nov 12, 2019
Sea Level Rise May Lead to Toxic Mercury in Coastal Freshwater Wetlands By Maya Hoon As sea levels continue to rise with each passing year, researchers focus their attention on how coastal wetlands may be impacted by the change. While there is an abundance of research on the impacts of sea level rise on various…
May 20, 2019
From left to right: Vice Chancellor Mladen Vouk; Laura Kroeger (ORI); Jobi Cook (Associate Director, NC Space Grant); Sasha Campbell (Digital Communications Manager, Office of Research Commercialization); Derek Gatlin (Grant Proposal Developer, PDU); Nicole McIntosh (Coordinator for Research and Outreach, WRRI); Andrea McCarrick (Scientific Technical Editor, NCICS); Megan Bortner (Accountant, ISSC); Andrew Thrasher (Research Scholar,…