WRRI Annual Conference Sponsor To Offer Free Data Workshop

The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), a sponsor of the 2019 WRRI Annual Conference, will host a workshop on managing data entitled Managing and Sharing Water Data Using Community Tools. The workshop will be included as part of the 2019 WRRI Annual Conference, however, the workshop will be free and open to the public regardless of registration for the conference. CUAHSI hopes to reach students and professionals of all descriptions, to provide them with information on effective water data management.
The workshop will take place Friday, March 22, 2019 from 2:20 to 4 p.m. in Room 4 of the McKimmon Center. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop and any data they are interested in archiving.
This workshop will introduce participants to CUAHSI Water Data Services, including the HydroShare repository for data and model storage, HydroShare web apps for web-based analysis and modeling, and HydroClient for discovery of time-series data. These services together form a comprehensive web-based hydrologic information system. The system is designed to enable users to share science products – including data, models, model instances and workflows – and to formally publish the information with a digital object identifier (DOI).
Those who have specific questions or would like to use their data as an example during the workshop can email CUAHSI in advance at help@cuahsi.org.
Workshop Agenda:
1. Overview of Data Management
- The data life cycle
- Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data sharing principles
- The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) and CUAHSI data services
2. Tools for discovering hydrologic time series data
- The CUAHSI Time Series Data Access Tool, HydroClient (data.cuahsi.org)
- HydroClient demonstration and follow-along instructions
3. Uploading, sharing and publishing data with HydroShare
- Uploading data
- Providing metadata (Dublin core and content type specific)
- Organizing content in a logical way
- Sharing and enabling access to others
- Permanent publication and obtaining a DOI for your data
- Creating groups with research teams, students, etc. for collaborating online
- Using HydroShare apps/tools to work with data—Jupyter Hub demonstration
4. Hands-on exercise to discover Hurricane Harvey data in HydroShare
5. Hands-on exercise to review an example data management plan that utilizes HydroShare archiving
CUAHSI is a research organization founded in 2001, representing over 130 U.S. universities and international water science-related organizations. CUAHSI receives support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop infrastructure and services for the advancement of water science. The mission of CUAHSI is to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration in the water science community, to empower communities by providing critical infrastructure and to promote education in the water sciences at all levels.
Access more information about the WRRI Annual Conference talks, sessions and workshops at the Annual Conference agenda page. Find out more about CUAHSI at CUAHSI.org.
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