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Jul 1, 2021
By Justin Lindemann “We are pleased to see our funding partners join us again in support of a diverse lineup of important projects from up-and-coming researchers,” notes John Fear, deputy director for the state’s Sea Grant and Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) programs. “With research focusing on chemicals of concern, factors for erosion, a variety…
May 19, 2021
WRRI is accepting proposals for 104(g) USGS funding. Projects addressing three key research areas are eligible, collaboration is encouraged.
Apr 22, 2021
Graduate student researcher, Arpit Sardana, tested whether sunlight alone can break down contaminants in wastewater.
Mar 19, 2021
Contact: John Fear: Katie Mosher: UPDATE: This job posting will close on April 23, 2021. Apply online: North Carolina’s Water Resources Research Institute is accepting applications for the coordinator of research and engagement. Based at NC State University in Raleigh, the coordinator will work directly with the WRRI management team to formulate, implement…
Mar 16, 2021
During the all-virtual 2021 NC WRRI Annual Conference, students will present lightning talks on March 25 and 26. Also on March 25, a networking session will offer career insight for students and early career professionals. Each student speaker will briefly summarize their research and take questions — thus showcasing the exciting work of many projects…
Mar 11, 2021
Olya Keen, Ph.D. is interested in emerging contaminants and different treatments that can better our drinking water quality.
Mar 9, 2021
On a cold November morning and while holding his mud caked shovel, a local workforce training crew member, Kameron, reflected, “I remember talking about how to manage invasive species in one of my college biology classes, but I never received any hands-on experience, and didn’t know how much work invasive management is. Now I know…
Mar 4, 2021
By: Justin Lindemann The 2021 NC WRRI Annual Conference may look a little different in the new all-virtual format, but the sessions still will provide the latest water resources research. In addition to the keynote speakers on March 25 and 26, informative panel sessions will cover key research, industry, agency and community perspectives. The panelists will…
Feb 18, 2021
By Justin Lindemann Join your colleagues, contacts and potential new collaborators for the all-virtual 2021 NC Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference on March 25 and 26, 2021. Registration is now open for the region’s premier water resources conference — this year in a free, all-virtual format. Registration is required for both days. The agenda-at-a-glance…
The North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute’s Community Collaborative Research Grant program is now open and accepting proposals through March 5, 2021 (new extended deadline). The program brings communities and university researchers together to study high-priority environmental and economic issues in North Carolina. New grants will range from $5,000 to $25,000 for projects that take place over…