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Depicting a pool of water at a water treatment plant.

Faculty Research Projects

NC WRRI funds faculty researchers across the state to address a broad range of water resources topics.

Explore Funded Faculty Projects

The table below contains a list of funded faculty projects dating back to 2018. Use the search bar to search particular topics, researchers, or key words. If a final report is available, it has been provided as a hyperlink within the title column. For a list of projects funded prior to 2018, contact John Fear ( Historically funded research and final reports from WRRI can also be found in the NC State research repository.

Addressing Real-World needs with Community Collaborative Research Grant projects

The Community Collaborative Research Grant Program (CCRG) is an innovative funding opportunity that requires research approaches that couple local knowledge with scientific expertise. 

A woman leans against a porch railing and talks with a researcher, who is seated on the porch step.